Who discovered Electricity ?

          Electricity was discovered by Benjamin Franklin. Electricity is a huge part of our lives, providing heat and light to humans for generations. It is a very valuable resource and we need to do our part to use it wisely.

History of Electricity : 
           Back in 1752, Benjamin Franklin was curious about lightning and did an experiment to prove that it was electrical. He assumed that lightning was a flow of electricity taking place in nature

          He went out into a thunderstorm and tied a metal key to the bottom of a kite and, as he suspected electricity from the storm clouds flowed down the string. The string was wet and he received an electrical shock. 

          This experiment was very dangerous, but this turned out to be one of the most important experiments of all time.

Footprints :
In 1800, Alessandro Volta invented Electric Battery
In 1837, Thomas Davenport made an Electric Motor
In 1879, Thomas Alva Edison invented Light Bulb
In 1899, Marconi invented the Radio
In 1925, John Logie Baird invented Television

Why should we save electricity ?
We need to save electricity for 5 main reasons :
1. Save Money
2. Reduce 'Greenhouse Emissions'
3. Reduce Air Pollution
4. Save Water
5. Sources of Electricity are likely to deplete

For Saving Electricity
1. Shut off the lights and turn off other electrical appliances when not in use 
2. Adjust the thermostat during the winter. 
3. Don’t leave the refrigerator door open.
4. Replace a burnt-out light bulb with a new compact fluorescent bulb. 
5. Use cold water in the washing machine. 
6. Fix dripping faucets.
7. Plant a tree and grow greens around your place 

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